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Title: Cooperation and Small Industries in South East Asia
Authors: Rana, J. M
Keywords: Cooperatives- Asia
Industrial Cooperatives
Small Scale Industries
Cooperative Movement
Cooperative Marketing
Issue Date: 1965
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Series/Report no.: Cooperative Series 2;
Abstract: the role of Cooperation in the modernisation of cottage and small-scale industries in South and South East Asian Countries^. It is not intended to go in great detail into the arguments o f cottage and small-scale industries versus large-scale industries. Nevertheless, it will be useful to indicate very briefly, in the introductory part, the economic justification for the small industry^ within the process o f economic development. It is necessary to do so because it is often assumed, that industrialisation necessarily means establishment of large-scale industries, while emphasis on small industries implies retardation o f economic growth.
Description: 38p.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/975
Appears in Collections:Reports

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