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Title: Co-operative Housing
Keywords: Cooperative Housing
Housing Cooperatives
Consumer Cooperatives
Rural Housing
Financial Aid
Issue Date: 1987
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance,Sweden
Series/Report no.: 2nd Rev. Edition;
Abstract: The development and strengthening of housing co-operatives in the developing countries has always been one of the main targets of the Housing Committee of the International Co-operative Alliance. This handbook is therefore mainly dedicated towards the needs of those developing countries w here the housing shortage should be overcome by the development and strengthening of cooperative movements. Housing problem s and co-operative solutions are being discussed within the Housing Committee on an international level. This handbook will help to form new housing co-operatives, to improve already existing structures and organisations, to review the financial requirements, to enable self-help schemes, to manage the running of a housing co-operative, to offer housing for building workers or consumers, to encourage staff training and to make use of the advantages of a housing co-operative. The first edition of “Co-operative Housing" was issued by the Housing Committee of the International Cooperative Alliance in 1980,
Description: 123p.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/964
Appears in Collections:Books

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