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Title: A Study of Personnel Management in Selected Cooperative Super Markets in India
Authors: Arvidsson, Ragnar
Taimni, K. K
Keywords: Cooperative Marketing
Personnel Management
Cooperative Training
Cooperative Education
Cooperative Workers Compensation
Issue Date: 1971
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Abstract: A concerted effort has been made to develop Consumer Cooperative Movement in India from 1962 onwards. Several factors contribute to the success of any business enterprise, including a cooperative enterprise. Personnel is one of the key factors in this regard.Urbanization and industrialization are proceeding at a fairly rapid pace in South and South-East Asia during the post-war period. This process of rapid growth of towns and cities is responsible for the emergence of fixed income earning groups which mainly comprise industrial workers and the middle class persons. The Consumer Cooperative Movement has a great role to play in protecting and promoting the interests of these newly emerging groups of people who are exposed to a number of problems such as adulteration of goods, unhealthy business practices and rapidly rising prices. Although consumer cooperatives have been functioning in different countries of South East Asia for several decades now, barring some successful examples, generally speaking, they have not become a powerful force in the distributive trade
Description: 135p.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/935
Appears in Collections:Reports

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