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Title: Social Objectives of Cooperatives
Authors: Prakash, Daman
Keywords: Social Development
Employment Generation
Cooperative Values
Cooperative Principles
Poverty Alleviation - Cooperative Role
Issue Date: 1994
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance
Description: THE present material entitled Social Objectives of Cooperatives is in­ deed thought-provoking and highly topical. The material is of great relevance in the context of the discussions currently going on worldwide - empowering people. Cooperative institutions are people’s organisations which are formed by the members (voluntarily), owned by them (by purchasing shares and on payment of admission fee) and run by them (democratically and in accor­ dance with the Principles of Cooperation) to satisfy their social and economic needs through active participation and mutual help. Cooperative institutions throughout the • world have carved out a place for themselves and have rightfully established themselves in the form of an independent sector - the Cooperative Sector - along with the other two sectors - the private and public sectors. Examples of success are available in many countries where cooperative institutions have not only met the economic needs of their members but have also played a significant part in the social development of their members and the human community in general. 'A cooperative is distinguished by the fact that the people involved are seeking to set up an organisation which can provide benefits to themselves, as members, in a specific capacity - for example, as a farmer, consumer, worker, saver or borrower etc. This fact clearly separates out cooperatives from other forms of economic organisations which have objectives which are directed towards providing benefits for their owners in the capacity of investors.’
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/92
Appears in Collections:Reports

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