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Title: A Study of Personnel Management-Policies in Selected Super Bazars in India
Authors: Arvidsson, Ragnar
Taimni, K.K
Keywords: Cooperatives,
Personal Management,
Super Bazar-India,
Manpower Recruitment,
Issue Date: 1970
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Abstract: Urbanisation and industrialisation are proceeding at a fairly rapid pace in South and South-East Asia during the post-war period . This process of rapid growth of towns and cities is responsible for the emergence of fixed income earning groups which mainly comprise industrial workers and the middle classes . The Consumer Cooperative Movement has a great role to play in protecting and promoting the interests of these newly emerging groups of people who are exposed to a number of problems such as adulteration of goods, unhealthy business practices and rapidly rising prices. Although consumer cooperatives have been functioning in different countries of South-East Asia for several decades now, .barring some successful examples of consumer cooperatives, generally speaking, they have not become a powerful force in the distributive trade. The present report is an outcome of the Study of eight Cooperative Super Bazars in India . The study was carried out in close collaboration with the National Cooperative Consumers'' Federation of India and the Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management.
Description: 187p.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/917
Appears in Collections:Reports

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