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Title: Readings in Cooperative Housing
Authors: Garcia, F.Sim and,[Contributors]
Keywords: Cooperative Housing
Housing Scheme
Development of Housing - Government Policy
Cooperative Thrift Societies
Issue Date: 1973
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance / Allied Publishers, New Delhi
Abstract: co-operative housing program m e needs no emphasis. The countries in the Region are experiencing serious housing shortages in both rural and urban areas and especially severe overcrowding in urban areas leading to the grow th o f slums and squatter settlements and general deterioration in housing facilities. It is against this background that the sem inar discussed the contribution which the co-operative movement can m ake to help people from low and middle income groups to solve their housing problem s. Towards this end a num ber of papers on various im portant aspects o f housing co-operation were presented at the sem inar. We consider that these papers would be o f value to an audience wider than those who participated in the seminar. It is w ith this hope th at the present publication comprising papers presented at the seminar and the sem inar report has been brought out. We hope th at the publication will be found useful by governm ent personnel and co-operators interested in the developm ent o f housing co-operatives.
Description: 161p
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/915
Appears in Collections:Books

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