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dc.description.abstractIn Czechoslovakia Workers' Co-operatives in the Metal Industry are among the largest of the Co-operatives of Production and represent one-third of industrial co-operative production. There are 119 Workers' Co-operatives in Metals, 22 of which are in Slovakia they include the following branches of productions fine mechanics; optical; electrotechnics for electric currents of low and high tension? iron-working; plumbing; manufacture of chandeliers, clocks, production and maintenance of agricultural machines, machine tools, compression cylinders, steam generators and accessories, light and medium installations; manufacture of fountain pens and metal furniture; smelting works, iron works and repair of motors, lorries, etc. ^brk was carried out in 1958 to the value of 1,346*100>000 crowns. The number of workers was 26,025. The average productivity of a single worker over the year was 51>723 rsrowns. The Co-operatives in this branch also share in the production of consumer products and compete successfully in certain products with State industry. For example, in 1958 Co-operatives produced 52% of the entire production of photographic equipment and more than vacuum cleaners; they also manufactured successfully razor blades as well as mechanical and electric razors.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Cooperative Alliance, Italyen_US
dc.subjectCooperatives- Germany,en_US
dc.subjectIndustrial Workers,en_US
dc.subjectWorkers Cooperatives,en_US
dc.subjectIndustrial Cooperativesen_US
dc.titleWorkers' Co-operative Productive and Artisanal Societies in the Mechanics and Metal- Working Industryen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Reports

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