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Title: Cooperative Employee Training
Keywords: Cooperatives,
Cooperative Training,
Cooperative Staff,
Skill Development
Issue Date: 1964
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Abstract: The International Cooperative Alliance, in collaboration with the East Pakistan Cooperative Union, organised a Regional Seminar on Cooperative Employee Training at Comilla, East Pakistan, from October 5 to 18, 1964., The seminar, which was held in the premises of the East Pakistan Cooperative College, was inaugurated by Mr. K.A. Kader, the then Minister for Food and Agriculture, Government of East Pakistan. The purpose in organising the Seminar was to provide a forum in which representatives of cooperative movements engaged in the field of employee training might exchange experiences and discuss the problems faced by them in their work. The discussions in the seminar centred around the deficiencies in the training programmes and the' ways to overcome them, the techniques of training and the possibilities of introducing new methods, the recruitment of tea6hers and trainees and the administration and financing of training institutes. References were also made to the training activities in the advanced cooperative movements and some conclusions were drawn therefrom.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/890
Appears in Collections:Other Training Courses

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