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Title: Trade Unions and Cooperatives: Report- New Delhi 1965
Keywords: Cooperative Credit Society,
Cooperative Principle,
Cooperative Trade Union,
Cooperative Thrift and Credit Societies,
Cooperative Education,
Cooperative Housing
Issue Date: 1965
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Abstract: The conference was attended by experts in the fields of cooperative movements and trade union movements who were drawn from a number of countries of Asia. Cooperative forms of organisations particularly relevant for the needs of the industrial working population such as thrift and loan societies, consumer cooperative stores and housing cooperatives, were discussed in some details. Some thought was also given to problems of member education and the training of staff of cooperatives organised by trade unions. The conference stressed the importance of closer collaboration between trade unions and cooperatives and indicated possibilities of future collaboration between the two movements.
Description: 40p, India 11 and 18, 1965
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/841
Appears in Collections:Reports

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