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Title: Human Resource Development in Cooperatives: Focus on Education and Training in Asia-Pacific
Authors: Vir, Dharma
Keywords: Cooperatives-Asia,
Human Resource Development,
Cooperative Education,
Cooperative Training
Issue Date: 1886
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Abstract: Co-operative Movement has not only grown manifold in the Asian Region, but its growth has also been very diversified. For example, today there is no village in India, which is not covered by a co-operative. And there is no socio-economic activity in which co-operatives are not involved. In some sectors their impact may be minimal, in others like credit, dairy, agro industries and many others the impact is substantial. However, two factors, namely members faith in the co-operatives and competent professional management are the two keys for the success of the co-operatives. Thus the member relation and education functions need to be improved. Co-operative Education and training has been recognised as extremely important part of co-operative development by the movements as well as by the governments. Governments have been providing liberal financial assistance since long to the co-operative movement in many countries of Asia and the Pacific. However, the traditional education and training programmes need to be adapted to the growing needs of the times. Co-operatives were simple, credit institutions in the beginning of the 20th century. Today along with the small cooperatives we also have many very large co-operatives running modern industries with latest technology. Co-operative Education and Training (GET), therefore, has to match and fulfil the present and future needs at various levels, and adapt itself accordingly.
Description: 160p
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/819
ISBN: 92-9054-100-8
Appears in Collections:Other Training Courses

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