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Title: Third Asian Conference of Women Farm Leaders of Agricultural Cooperatives- A Report- Japan 1998
Keywords: Third Asian Conference- 1998,
Women Farm Leaders,
Agricultural Cooperatives- Asia,
Leadership Development,
Farm Labour Force,
Women Cooperative- Rural,
Rural Women- Multi Purpose Cooperative
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance
Abstract: In the Asian Region, agriculture is still a major contributor to national economies. Agricultural sector, besides producing foods, also provides employment opportunities to a majority of the population. This sector deals with food, a large number of farmers, landless farmers, farm field workers, men and women, business enterprises and governments. Food is a basic issue for the large and ever-increasing population in the Region. For the years to come the problems are going to multiply: food will be in short supply, in quantity as well as in quality, and population levels will increase thereby generating a greater demand for food. Every nation, every family and every individual will, therefore, be concerned with food security issues.
Description: 445p, Tokyo, Japan, August 26- September 06 1998
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/803
Appears in Collections:Reports

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