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Title: Methodology for Cooperative Member Participation: Report of the ICA Regional Seminar- Dhaka 1989
Authors: Bergdall, Terry (Comp.)
Herath, W. U. (Comp.)
Keywords: ICA Regional Seminar- Bangladesh
Cooperatives Development
Country Situation- Asia
Womens Participation
Research Methodology
Issue Date: 1990
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Abstract: ICA Policy on Cooperative Development has recognised the need and importance of member participation in cooperatives. M any cooperative movements in the Region have faced the problem of activisation of their members in achieving democratic working of their cooperative sodties. Empowering the members to become more active in decision m aking rather than to become passive partners has always been an im portant issue. In some of the countries, forces other than members have gained control over the cooperatives, which has resulted in either oligarchy or politicalisation of cooperatives. In the process, some of the cooperative movements are losing the values and ethics of cooperation which are vital for the growth of genuine cooperatives.
Description: 119p.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/790
Appears in Collections:Reports

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