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Title: Long-Term Agricultural Development Programme Through Agricultural Cooperatives and Technical Assistance
Authors: Madane, M.V
Keywords: Agricultural Development
Agricultural Cooperatives
Agro Based Industries
Cooperative Farms and Productivity
Issue Date: 1974
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Series/Report no.: Cooperative Series- 11;
Abstract: This regional paper has been prepared on the basis of national papers received from some of the ICA member-organisations in the Region. For the rest of the countries, docum entation and information available at the Regional Office has been used. In addition, information and data out of studies and reports by a number of national and international agencies have been used as reference material for supplementing the information received from the Member Movements.
Description: 32p
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/688
Appears in Collections:Reports

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