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Title: Statistics and Information on European Cooperatives
Authors: Invernizzi., Arsenio
Keywords: European Cooperatives
Cooperative Statistical Profile
Cooperative Retail Stores
Housing Cooperatives
ICA Cooperative Data Bank
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, Geneva
Description: This document is the first comprehensive statistical overview o f co-operatives in Europe, i.e. in the 41 member (or invited member) countries o f the Council o f Europe(l). It is the result o f work carried out by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) within the framework o f Project 96/014 “ Statistics and Information on European Co-operatives”, co­financed by the European Commission, Directorate-General XXIII, following its decision of 30 December 1996 and the “Call for Proposals” in the sector o f co-operatives, mutual, associa­tions and foundations, published in the Official Journal C 212 o f 17 August 1995. Motivated by the inadequacy o f co-operative statistics at the national and pan-European level, this project was instigated to collect and analyse the essential, homogeneous, comparable and updateable data, which should be considered as “the lowest common denominator” of all the co-operative organisations within Europe.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/66
ISBN: 92 9054 015 X
Appears in Collections:Reports

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