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Title: Report of a Study: Co-operative Adjustment in a Changing Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa
Keywords: Cooperative Adjustment
Sub Saharan Africa
Cooperative Development
European Union
Issue Date: 1994
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance
Abstract: The rapidly changing environment in Africa makes current cooperative development strategies and donor strategies obsolete, and any mobilization of additional resources for cooperative development assistance will have to take the new situation into account. It was therefore considered necessary to make an analysis of the present situation, outline, in general terms, a new strategy for cooperative development in Africa, upon which a revised strategy for the donors could be based. It is strongly felt that a clear view on how the African cooperatives intend to meet the future, together with a revised cooperative donor strategy, will be a prerequisite for obtaining aid resources from government and international donors.
Description: 90p.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/634
Appears in Collections:Reports

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