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dc.description.abstractHIV and AIDS is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. It is an emergency of an unprecedented nature. In the last decade the world of work has been recognized as a key arena where the battle against HIV and AIDS can be fought - and won. The Cooperative movement has a unique role to play in view of its expertise, gained over many decades, and its structure - bringing together governments, employers and workers. This manual explains why the world of work is so important and shows how it can respond. The International Co-operative Alliance in Asia represents 57 co-operative organizations in 22 countries covering 520 million individual co-operative members. HIV/AIDS is no longer an urban disease. This is now spreading by alarming speed into rural areas affecting largely the farming community, especially people in their most productive years (15-45 years of age). South and South-East Asia are now an epicenter of the HIV epidemic. Agriculture is the main stay of socio economic life of the people in the region. The impact of HIV/AIDS is seen on production systems- and decline of agricultural knowledge and management skill as well as the misappropriate impact of disease on women, which cumulatively lead to the loss of rural household food security. The deterioration of traditional coping mechanism and dwindling of family and community resources does have a direct impact on agricultural production.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Cooperative Alliance1en_US
dc.subjectHIV Training Manualsen_US
dc.subjectAIDS Training Manualen_US
dc.subjectCooperative Educationen_US
dc.subjectAdult Educationen_US
dc.subjectHealth Awarenessen_US
dc.subjectSexual Diseasesen_US
dc.titleHIV & AIDS and World of Work: A Training Manual and Guide for Cooperativesen_US
Appears in Collections:Other Training Courses

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