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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 47
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1905Report of Proceedings at the Sixth Congress of the Intentional Co-operative Alliance at Budapest- 1904-
1907I.C.A. Report at the Seventh Congress of the Intentional Co-operative Congress at Cremona- 1907-
1913I.C.A. Report of the Ninth Intentional Co-operative Congress at Glasgow- 1913-
1970Report of the Twenty- Fourth Congress at Hamburg- 1969-
1969Report of the Twenty- fourth congress at Hamburg- 1969-
1969Twenty- fourth Congress at Hamburg: Agenda and Reports- 1969-
1992ICA XXX Congress- Tokyo 1992-
1934Report of the Proceedings of the Fourteenth Congress of the International Cooperative Alliance at London- 1934-
1908I.C.A. Report of the Septieme Congres De Intentional Co-operative Congress at Cremone- 1907-
1902Report of Proceedings at the Fifth Congress International Cooperative Alliance at Manchester- 1902-
1966Report of the Twenty- Third Congress at Vienna- 1966-
1976Twenty- Sixth Congress: Agenda and Reports- Paris (France) 1976-
1988ICA XXIX Congress: Agenda & Reports- Stockholm 1988-
1972ICA Seventeenth Congress Report- Warsaw 1972-
1984A Changing World and Cooperative Changes 'Development of the World Socialist system and the Cooperative Changes' 28th CongressPramov, Ivan
1984Twenty- Eighth Congress: Congress Summary- Hamburg 1984-
1976Summary of XXVI (26th) Congress of the International Cooperative Alliance- Paris (France) 1976-
1990Twenty- Seventh Congress: Congress Summary- Moscow (USSR) 1980-
1988Summary Report of the XXIX (29) Congress of the International Cooperative Alliance- 1988-
1980ICA- Resolutions and Amendments to Rules Adopted by the XXVII (27th) Congress- Moscow 1980-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 47