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Title: Report of the ICA-ECA Regional Seminar of the Promotion of Handicrafts and Small-Scale Industries Through Co-operatives, Kenya1977
Keywords: Small Scale Industries
Handcraft Cooperatives
Handcrafts-Women Role
producers Cooperatives
Issue Date: 1977
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance
Abstract: the ICA Regional Office for East and Central Africa has been involved in educational programmes aimed at motivating Women co-operators towards increased involvement in co-operative as well as other development activities. The seminar series have been designed to provide participants with education which can help them become better ”home-makers”'- with emphasis ' on aspects such ass child care, nutrition, family planning, etc. The educational programmes have also helped to identify some of the traditional problems hindering v/oiaen involment in national development such as the labourious burdens •undertaken in running the home (fetching water from the river and firewood from the forest, pounding grain for meals etc). It is important that ways and means be found of relieving the rural vromen of these btirdens, to facilitate her increased involvement in development generally and more particularly in improving her role as ”home-maker''.
Description: 68p.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/493
Appears in Collections:Reports

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