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Title: Member Participation Through Business Planning: A Japanese Experience - Report of the ICA-CUAC-IDACA Seminar, Japan. 1989
Authors: Herath, W U (ed.)
Keywords: Business Planning,
Cooperative Movement-Japan,
Japanese Culture and Society,
Agricultural Cooperative-Japan,
Farm Guidance and Activities
Issue Date: 1991
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Abstract: The ICA Committee on Agriculture for Asia discussed the need to enhance member participation in agricultural co-operatives at its meeting held in 1986. Jap an has a tradition of strong member involvement in business of agriculture co-operatives and the committee looked upon them os an effective model. The CUAC cam e forward to provide the experience to a group of managers and leaders deoling with business planning and member participation in agricultural co-operation IDACA was the venue.From the experience gathered in the first seminar in 1987, the ICA ROAP and IDACA trainers improved the programme in 1988 in orderto moke it more skill oriented and committed towards follow up action in the participation representative orgonisotions. Some of the action plans prepared by the participants from Malaysia and Bangladesh hove already been implemented and others are at different stages of development.
Description: 188p, Report of the ICA-CUAC-IDACA Seminar 1989
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/469
Appears in Collections:Reports

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