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Title: Co-operatives and the State- Studies and Reports
Keywords: Cooperatives and State,
Cooperative Insurance,
Agricultural Cooperatives,
State- Cooperative Relationship
Issue Date: 1980
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, London
Series/Report no.: Fourteen in the Series;
Abstract: The ICA “Studies & Reports” are an occasional series on subjects of general interest to Co-operators. They stem from our own research work, from the deliberations of seminars and conferences which we organise, or from discussions carried out by the Authorities of the Alliance. The present publication arose out of the discussion in our Central Committee meeting which was held in Copenhagen in 1978 at the kind and joint invitation of our member organisations in Denmark. It brings together varied points of view on the extremely relevant and topical subject of “Co-operatives and the State”.
Description: 80p, 11-13 September 1978 Copenhagen, Denmark
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/456
ISBN: 0 904380 45 9
Appears in Collections:Reports

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