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Title: Indian Cooperative Movement: A Profile (Vision 2005)
Authors: Nalwaya, K.L
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: National Cooperative Union of India
Description: The present volume of “Indian Cooperative Movement - A Profile” is the 7th edition of this professional publication. This volume presents a comprehensive overall view of the dimensions and growth of various segments of Cooperative Movement in India. It also covers comparative agriculture development scenario in India and some of the Asian countries. In this period of advanced electronic revolution with greater and greater emphasis on assimilation of various components of information technology including internet, website and e-commerce in various business functions, the present volume incorporates the requisite information and data having a bearing on various aspects of cooperative development. The availability of such crucial data is indispensable to the management in their decision making process and for managing their day to day affairs with efficiency and quickness. It is known that in the present system of economic reforms which have been introduced since 1991, the cooperatives have been playing a balancing role between public and private sectors in carrying out various socio-economic developmental activities and in bringing about transformation in the rural set up of our country. Over a period of years, the Cooperative Movement have built up a strong niche in various segments of Indian Economy and has developed a strong network of 5.01 lakh cooperative societies spread from village to the national levels. In the context of privatisation, liberalisation and integration of Indian markets globally along with opening of agriculture trade under WTO Provisions, the cooperatives have to develop their functional efficiency through promotion of management excellence, strengthening their financied resource base, controlling their transaction costs and in this process will have to pave the way for earning a desirable rate of return on the capital employed. In order to built up such a cooperative set-up, the cooperatives have to devise and visualise innovative systems of functioning, improving their work culture, increasing per worker productivity to attain greater heights in the years to come. In the context of greater emphasis on food security being one of the objectives of agriculture planning, the cooperatives will have to streamline their mechanism of supply of critical agriculture inputs to the farming community adequately and in time for helping the Indian Economy to sustain higher annual growth rates of 7-8%. The entire Cooperative Movement will have to gear itself to attain the objectives and goals before Cooperative Movement which, interalia, involve development of cooperatives based on their autonomous functioning and through pursuing the cooperative value system of self-reliance and dedication to the interest of members.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/44
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