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Title: A Comparison of Agricultural Credit Cooperative Systems and Functions in France, Federal Republic of Germany and Japan
Authors: Usui, T.
Keywords: Agricultural Credit
Cooperative System
Cooperative Management
Cooperative Banks
Cooperative Credit
Issue Date: 1982
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, London
Abstract: An article in the June 1979 issue of The Banker's reports that several of the apex agricultural co-operative banks occupy important positions in the ranks of world banking, so far as total deposits and debentures are concerned.for example: Caisse Nationale de Credit Agricole (C N C A ), France 2nd place Norinchukin Bank (Nochu), Japan 15th place Cooperative Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleen bank (Centrale Rabobank), Netherlands 31st place Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank (D G Bank), Federal Republic of Germany 51st place Of these C N C A , Nochu and D G Bank show similarities in that they are the apex banks of co-operative three-tier banking organisations, with prim ary, secondary and national levels; the Japanese agricultural co-operative system was in fact founded on the model of the Raiffeisen credit co-operatives in Germany.
Description: 56p. based on research over the period 1977-1980
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/382
ISBN: 0 904380 53 X
Appears in Collections:Reports

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