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Title: Cooperative Development: The Next Phase
Authors: Taimni, K.K
Keywords: Cooperative Development
Integrated Cooperatives
Rural Economy
Cooperatives - Public Policy
Cooperatives Productivity
Cooperation - Basic Values
Issue Date: Jun-1993
Publisher: ICA Domus Trust
Abstract: This study should be seen against the background of the history of co­operatives in India. Krishan Taimni is in an eminently good position to review the different stages of this development, having been associated with cooperatives for a long time, mainly as an educator and trainer. He puts his finger on the weaknesses of the co-operatives and their structures in his country, but at the same time outlines strategies and scenarios for their further development Co-operatives are facing major challenges and have to change if they are to become real instruments of their members in their endeavours to improve their economic and social situation through mutual seif-help. Big tasks are lying ahead for all those responsible for the development of genuine co-operative societies. This study lists the things which need to be done to achieve this goat.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/35
Appears in Collections:Books

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