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Title: Towards Genuine Cooperatives: Prerequisites for Cooperative Success or Criteria for Genuine Cooperative Societies
Authors: Fogelstrom, Karl
Keywords: Cooperatives
Cooperative Societies
Genuine Cooperatives
Cooperative Success
Issue Date: 1992
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance
Abstract: In this article the writer presents a number of factors or prerequisites considered essential for the success of a cooperative society. In the view of the writer a large number of cooperatives in developing countries do not meet the requirements that would characterize a genuine cooperative society. Most cooperatives are government-initiated and should rightly be labelled "pseudo” cooperatives as they do not fulfill the criteria for a genuine cooperative society.Still government has a positive role to play in supporting and promoting cooperative development in the same way as government support and encouragement is important for the development of other types of economic enterprises.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/345
Appears in Collections:Reports

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