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dc.description.abstractCooperatives have for long been accepted as useful people based institutions which could promote accelerated socio-economic development. Much has been achieved in certain situations at least by some cooperatives, which were fortunate enough to have a committed leadership, an enlightened membership and the correct socio-economic climate for development. Some have faltered on the wayside, for a whole host of reasons. With the acceptance of the concept of planned approach to development, and with the cooperatives being recognised as useful instruments for carrying out developmental policy, there appears to be a divergence in the thinking in regard to the nature, scope, functions and role of cooperatives—the divergence in thinking being between the policy makers and bureaucrats on the one hand and the cooperative members and cooperative leaders on the other. In a developing economy, it is admitted, that the growth of cooperatives would depend to a large extent on the recognition and support provided by the government to cooperatives. But real cooperative growth would entail a large measure of member involvement and participation and member control over the affairs of the society which they own. Basically the government would provide a legal framework for cooperatives to operate in and provide such supporting services as would help the cooperatives to develop and grow, maintaining their voluntary, autonomous and democratic characteren_US
dc.publisherInternational Cooperative Allianceen_US
dc.subjectNational Cooperative Organizationsen_US
dc.subjectCooperative Unionen_US
dc.subjectCooperatives - Nepalen_US
dc.subjectFisheries Cooperative Movementen_US
dc.titleProgramme for Effective NCO Action Strengthening National Cooperative Organisations for More Effective Action:Report of the Sub-Regional Workshopen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Reports

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