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dc.description.abstractKorean National Federation o f Fisheries Cooperativ es (KNFC) sltirted its long joume>' toward a fisheries powerhouse 50 years ago when e\ er\ thing was wanted and needed. Back then, KNF'C and fishennen pla\ ed an important role in contributing to modernization o f Korea and its groulh to the tt>p 10 largest economy in the world based on dev elopment o f the fishing industry. ()\ cr the last half-centur\, KNI-’C has serv ed as a strong supporter fishennen can turn to while overcoming hardship in compliance w ith the sprit o f cooperativ es. Cioing forward, not being complacent with past successes, KNF'C will be detennined to grow further raising competitive edge to surviv e the world economy. A s part o f this effort, KNFC is committed to reinforcing strengthen identitv' o f cooperatives and spreading across the world the true value o f ICA as to “build a better world”. I believe that cooperatives, paid attention as an alternative economic model after the crisis o f the world market economy, will be a solution to the global problems including food shortage, hunger and wasted resources with its values and principles as a democratic and autonomous economic organization. Korean National Federation o f Fisheries Cooperatives will put its utmost effort to develop the w orld fisheries in line with ICFO and be dedicated to peace and prosperitv’ o f the world, a basic philosophv’ o f cooperatives. Last but not least, I hope this book will help, even a little, continuous development o f the world fisheries and the global fisheries cooperatives by mtroducing KNFC’s experience and achievement so far.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Cooperative Fisheries Organization - International Cooperative Allianceen_US
dc.subjectFisheries Cooperative Movementen_US
dc.subjectFisheries Cooperativesen_US
dc.subjectFishing Villagesen_US
dc.subjectFisherman Growthen_US
dc.subjectFisheries Cooperative Acten_US
dc.subjectKNFC Developmenten_US
dc.titleThe Fisheries Cooperative Movement in Korea 2014en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Reports

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