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Title: Symposium on Cooperative Insurance
Keywords: Cooperative Insurance
Insurance Company
Insurance Movement
Cooperative Insurance Society
Crop and Cattle Insurance
Issue Date: 1961
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, London
Series/Report no.: Part 1 & 2;
Abstract: A Symposium on Cooperative Insurance was organised by tj^.^ ICA Education Centre on the 4th and 5th March, 1961. About(19y persons participated; the participants came from the Planning Commission and the Ministry of Food & Agriculture, Government of India, some General Insurance Firms and a fev/ Cooperative Organisations. The programme included tv/o talks by Mr. Harald Bucht of Folksam, Sweden, on Cooperative Insurance and Social Insurance Benefits in Sweden. This was followed by g . discussion in which Mr,S. N.?aidya and Mr.D.N.Desai made brief presenta tions of L ife Insurance in India and the Union Cooperative Insurance Society respectively. The second day was mainly devoted to Crop and Cattle Insurance. Dr.G.H.Seth, Director of Statistics, Indian Council of .agricultural Research, introduced the subject. This report is divided into two parts. The f i r s t part consists of a paperMr. Folksam and its history and Mr.Desai's presentation of the Union Cooperativo Insurance Society, The second part deals with Crop and Cattle Insurance
Description: March 4th & 5th,, 1961
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/284
Appears in Collections:Reports

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