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Title: Strengthening Management and Marketing Skills of Artisanal and Industrial Cooperatives in India - a report of the ICA/CICOPA / NCUI Project
Authors: Mehta, Rajiv, I.D
Keywords: Industrial Cooperatives
Artisanal Cooperatives
Marketing Skills
Handloom Societies
Women Industrial Cooperatives
Construction Cooperatives
Metal Ware Cooperatives
Issue Date: 1994
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Description: The CICOPA is a specialised com m ittee of ICA devoted to the developm ent of Industrial and Producers’ Cooperatives world-over. The Pilot Project o f ICA-CICOPA is a joint collaboration of ICA and National Cooperative Union o f India under the aegis o f CICOPA for the developm ent of H andloom , Industrial, Handicraft and Labour and Construction Cooperatives in India to strengthen the M anagem ent and Marketing Skills o f the m em bers of the primary cooperative societies in these sectors. The project is being im plem ented with the financial support o f CICOPA obtained from the European Econom ic Community for a period from January 1993 to D ecem ber 1995. The activities under the project are being carried by two consultants o f CICOPA based in Delhi and Bangalore. The resum e o f the activities could b e had from the docum entation prepared by Mr. Rajiv ID . Mehta the Delhi based consultant o f CICOPA. I am happy to note that the activities at both the units of ICA-CICOPA-NCL'l Pilot Project have now gathered m om entum and directed towards the take-off stage albeit on a m odest scale. The support from the State Governments of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and Haryana has been vital in the promotion of the cooperative philosophy webbed into the soul of the project originally created jointly by Mr Yves Regis, Chairman, CICOPA and Dr. Daman Prakash, Projcct Director, ICA ROAP.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/273
Appears in Collections:Reports

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