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Title: Report of the Regional Seminar on Housing Cooperatives, Malaysia. 1996
Authors: Khurana, M.L[Ed]
Keywords: Housing Cooperatives
International Cooperation
Government Role - Low Income Housing
Development - Cooperative Housing
Cooperative Housing - Problems
Housing Worker Cooperatives
Issue Date: 1996
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance Regional office for Asia and Pacific
Abstract: This report of the Regional Seminar on Housing Cooperatives which, was held in Kuala Lumpur (Petaling Jaya) from 25th to 29th March, 1996 gives a good overview of the status, prospects and problems of housing cooperatives in Asia and the Pacific Region and indicates the need and strategy for future development of cooperative housing movement. The seminar gave an opportunity to leam from each others experience and will help in exploring the possibility of creating a network between housing cooperatives of the region. The event was of particular significance firstly because a seminar on housing cooperatives was convened by the ICA-ROAP after a lapse of more than two and half decades. Secondly due to the encourage ment received from the collaborators viz; ICA Housing Committee, National Cooperative Housing Federation of India, ICA Member Organisations in Malaysia under the leadership of ANGKASA and Cooperative Union of Malaysia, and the Cooperative College of Malaysia. The crisis we are facing today threatens our physical, economic, social and cultural survival. Poor habitation has the potential to disrupt the social-system thus destroy the very basis for life. In such a situation, it is the poorer half of human-kind that suffers the most. The cooperatives worldwide .are engaged in the activities which are aimed at improving the living conditions of not so affluent people. ICA ROAP is also keenly concerned with the enhancement and encourage ment of the involvement of the weaker sections of the society as also women and youth in the aaivities of the cooperatives. Further housing cooperatives are also recognised for their significant role in meeting the shelter need of the people at affordable cost.
Description: Kuala Lumpur, March 25-29, 1996
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/237
ISBN: 92-9054-038-9
Appears in Collections:Reports

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