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Title: Report of the Regional Seminar on Development of Coooperative Housing, Philippines, 1977
Authors: Gunawardana, Lionel [Rapp]
Keywords: Cooperative Housing
Housing Cooperatives - Problems
Financing - Cooperative Housing
Low Income Groups - Housing
Cooperaative Principles - Housing
Issue Date: 1977
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Abstract: A regional Seminar on the "Development of Cooperative Housing” was held by the IC^ Regional Office and Ediacation Centre for South-East Asia in collaboration vith the Cooperative Movement of the Philippines from the 10th to 30th November in the Philippines. The preparatory part of the seminar (the first three d s ^ ) was held in Manila and the rest of the seminar in Baguio. In Manila the seminar visited a housing project sponsored by the San M.onisio Credit Union. Delegates from Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand participated. In addition, observers from International Cooperative Housing Ifevelopment Association (ICHQi), International Labour Organisation (ILO) and Food and Agriculture Organisation (FilO) and Sweden participated. Messrs, Lionel Gunawai*dana, D,D. Naik and Sven I^engren^ participated in the seminair as resource persons. The Director of the seminar was Mr, Sten Johnsson, the Specialist in Cooperative Housing in the IC^ Regional Office and Education Centre for South-East Asia.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/234
Appears in Collections:Reports

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