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Title: Report on ICA Teachers' Exchange Programme, 1971-72
Authors: Pakshir, Parviz
Keywords: Cooperative Education
Teachers Exchange Programme
Cooperative College
Cooperative Insurance Society
Wholesale Cooperative Society
Issue Date: 1972
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Description: Tlie lOA Teacliers Exchange Programme is one of the edu­cational programmes that was steirted in 1968 in order to enable the teachers to learn about teaching methods and to study the Cooperative Movement in the receiving country in the field of his specialisation for a period of about four to six weeks. I was nominated b y the Central Cooperative Organisation as a candidate to take part in the 197'l-?2 Programme; and my application was duly filled and submitted to the ICA Regional Office and Education Center for consideration and approval. It did not take long to process the application. I was informed b y the Regional Office that I have been selected for the above Programme and that arrangements are being made to attach me to the Cooperative College of Malaysia. My programme assignment was satarted from 1st M a y and lasted for a period of about five weeks. I am deeply grateful to the ICA Regional Office and Education Center as well as the Cooperative College of Malaysia for giving me the opportunity to study the Cooperative Movement in one of the most important countries of the South-East Asia-Malaysia.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/194
Appears in Collections:Reports

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