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Title: Cooperative Trade Directory for South East Asia, 1967 (Part 1, 2 & 3) - Bound Volume
Keywords: Cooperative Trade Directory
South East Asia
Cooperative Wholesale Societies
Productive Enterprise
Producer Cooperative
Issue Date: 1967
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance
Series/Report no.: 3rd Revision;
Description: The International Cooperative Alliance is one o f the oldest o f existing international voluntary bodies. It is a world-wide confederation o f Cooperative Organisations o f all types. Founded by the International Cooperative Congress held m London in 1895, it embraces more than 175,000,000 members of Cooperative Societies in m ore than 58 countries. It is the only Organisa­tion entirely and exclusively dedicated to the promotion o f Cooperation in all parts o f the world. The headquarters of the Alliance are in London. Since 1960, the Alliance has been operating its Regional Office and Education Centre for South-East Asia in New Delhi. The Regional Office has the task o f developing the general activities o f the Alliance in the Region. These activities consist, interalia, in the provision o f technical assistance, dissemination o f information on cooperative matters including trade and the building o f effective liaison with member-movements and international organisations including the U N Agencies. The Regional Office includes the Education Centre which is financially supported by the Swedish Cooperative Movement. The Centre organises seminars, courses, conferences and workshops o f different types and undertakes research in pertinent fields o f Cooperation. So far the Centre has conducted more than 42 seminars which were attended by over 1,100 participants from different countires o f the Region. The present document is being published in order to provide reference material to cooperative organisations engaged in foreign trade. It is a part o f our effort to build up documentation on international cooperative trade and to provide contacts for Cooperative Organisations seeking trading counterparts in countries other than their own.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/187
Appears in Collections:Reports

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