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Title: 1st Training Course on Revitalization of Local Community by Rural Women- 2011 Thailand- Japan
Authors: Madhavan, K. Sethu (Comp.)
Keywords: 1st Training Course- 2011
Rural Women
Women Empowerment
Community Development
Agricultural Production
Agricultural Production
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance- Asia and Pacific, New Delhi
Abstract: Rural women have limited or no access to natural, infrastructural, technical and financial resources due to both cultural and legal constraints; rural women are not heard since they have no voice; and rural women mainly work in the informal sector and in subsistence agriculture. As a consequence, their access to education and basic social services is compromised.The role of rural women is vital. Rural women not only contribute to feeding the world in a safe and sustainable way, but also promoting a true development and contribute to building peaceful and socially cohesive commumities.
Description: 36p
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1758
Appears in Collections:ICA-MAFF Japan Training Courses

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