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Title: Results of State Trading
Keywords: Cooperative Trading
Direct Taxation
Consumer Cooperatives
Agricultural Productions
Issue Date: 1933
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, Westminster
Abstract: The study of State and Municipal enterprise, the results of which are here offered to all those who are interested in the tendencies and developments of economic life to-day, was undertaken by the International Co-operative Alliance. The co-operative organisation of production and distribution is obviously one of the chief and practical methods of solving many of the problems which confront the world to-day, when the old economic order is passing away and giving place to new. The co-operative system promises, if given fair and full play, to transform the present chaotic state into an orderly system of production for use, and to supplant the present higgling of the market by an associated planned economy which will produce the necessary equilibrium between supply and demand, production and consumption.
Description: 111p
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1711
Appears in Collections:Reports

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