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Title: Cooperatives and Involvement of the Poor in their Own Development: Cooperatives and Rural Poverty in India - A Desk Study
Authors: Markie, J
Keywords: Rural Poverty
Cooperative Farming
Cooperative Management
Agricultural Cooperative Society
Consumer Credit
Community Development
Agricultural Credit
Issue Date: 1976
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance with COPAC
Abstract: COPAC was established in 1971 in response to the emphasis of the Second United Nations Development Decade on the mobilization of the people, particularly the poor, for their TM development through their o m organizations^ United Nations agencies and international non-governmental organizations came together in COPAC Kith a. view to better coordination of their activities for the promotion of cooperatives in the developing countries COPAC maintains close relations with many non-member agencies active in this fied .COPAC undertakes the organization of biennial symposia where the problems of cooperative development strategy and aid can be discussed in a neutral atmosphere by all parties concerned - government officials and cooperative loaders from developing countries, donor agencies of all types and representatives of international organizations of Three such symposia, were organized prior to the formation of COPAC in the late sixties and early seventies by SIDA (Svieden), DANIDA (Denmark) and ODM (UK) respectively» The third symposium to be held under the aegis of COPAC v/ill be held in 1978 and v/ill devote attention to "Cooperatives and the Involvement of the Poor in their Own Development" The symposium w ill consider two basic questions; - what are the characteristics of cooperative structure and procedures best suited to the involvement of the/poor in their o\-jn development /r u r a l / ■under varying environmental, social, political and economic conditions? - what are the essential environmental, political, social and economic pr&-conditions for cooperatives to involve the rural poor in their own development. This paper forms the second of a series of desk studies which will be released by COPAC Secretaria^t during the period prior t'' the Symposium. The views expressed are these of the author only and do not necessarily represent those of COPAC. The scope and depth of the papers is restricted by the limited staff resources available to COPAC Secretariat and the difficulty of obtaining published material covering all aspects cf the problem. However, it is hoped they will contribute to constructive dialogue and knowledge of the role cooperatives may play in the battle against poverty and inequality. COPAC Secretariat will be grateful to receive comments, suggestions and corrections so that the papers may be improved and understanding of cooperatives potentials and limitations increased.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/169
Appears in Collections:Reports

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