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Title: Mapping: Key Figures National Report: Fiji
Keywords: ICA Member Data
Key Figures,
Public National Statistics,
Mapping National Report- Fiji,
Research Methodology
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance Asia and Pacific, New Delhi
Abstract: This report is part of a global mapping exercise launched by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and its regional offices within a partnership signed with the European Commission for the period 2016-2020, which aims to strengthen the cooperative movement and its capacity to promote international development. Other research projects include a worldwide legal frameworks analysis, and several thematic researches on themes of significance for cooperatives.Mapping out cooperatives in each country provides a more precise picture of the cooperative context at national and regional levels, enhances the movement's visibility, networking, partnerships opportunities, as well as advocacy, and empowers cooperators by providing them tools for positive change., the present report showcases information about the cooperative landscape in the Republic of Fiji, hereafter referred as Fiji.
Description: 8p
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1665
Appears in Collections:Reports

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