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Title: Cooperative Study Mission to Vietnam
Authors: Herath, W.U [Ed]
Keywords: Cooperative Study Mission - Vietnam
Cooperative Environment
Capital Formation - Cooperatives
Primary Cooperative
Marketing Cooperative
Agricultural Cooperatives
Issue Date: 1992
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance
Abstract: The current report on the Co-operative movement of Vietnam is a part of a wider document which is also expected to cover other relevant issues on socio-economic conditions and future planning concerns. This report is a result of a fact finding mission as a pre-requisite for a planning mission to be undertaken in July, 1992. Therefore, the final document wotdd include misang chapters after the planning mission. 2. The objective of the current report is to facilitate the understanding of the co-operative movement in Vietnam in its historical perspective. A format for collection of the data has been sent to Vietnum prior to the first mission. Based on the data received and the discussions held with the government authorities and co-operative leaders, the observations have been made. Due to the time constraint and logistic difficulties, the report may not provide comprehensive information but the findings would ensvire an accurate picture of the current situation as at January, 1992. Any confusion or distortion will be corrected once the planning mission is completed.
Description: 80p
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/152
Appears in Collections:Reports

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