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Title: ICA Insurance Committee AIMS and Activities
Authors: Dinnage, Robert
Keywords: Cooperatives
Cooperative Insurance
Insurance Activities
Insurance Committee
Issue Date: 1966
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Series/Report no.: Studies and Reports 2nd in Series;
Abstract: The Insurance Committee is one o f the auxiliary Committees of the International Co-operative Alliance Central Committee. There are seven such Sub-Committees, the Insurance Committee, which was established in 1921, being the oldest, the others being Banking, Workers and Artisans, Production, Agriculture, Housing, Wholesale and Retail Distribution.The Rules o f the Insurance Committee provide that its objects shall be the joint investigation, the development of joint action programmes, the exchange o f information and personnel and the establishment of international Co-operative relations in matters of Insurance and Reinsurance.
Description: 15p.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1416
Appears in Collections:Reports

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