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Title: Agricultural Cooperation in Developing Countries- A Management Approach
Authors: Mendoza, Eugenio V
Keywords: Cooperatives- Developing Countries
Agricultural Cooperatives
Cooperative Management
Cooperative Movement
Issue Date: 1980
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, London
Abstract: This exposition on agricultural cooperation is centered on the theory and practice of cooperative management which are particularly relevant and applicable to agricultural cooperation in developing countries. It is precisely directed towards practitioners, teachers and students of agricultural cooperation.Specifically, this endeavor is intended to serve as a practical guide for cooperative officials and employees in firming up their cooperative orientation and broadening their working knowledge and skill of management technology and techniques. They will thus be in a better position to address themselves to their respective tasks with more dedication and proficiency. On the other hand, this effort is also designed to be a useful textbook on agricultural cooperation, in general, and agricultural cooperative management, in particular, in the secondary and collegiate levels. Students of agricultural cooperation will therefore be imbued with the proper understanding and appreciation of agricultural cooperation at an early stage, and in the process will constitute themselves into a hard core of enlightened young cooperators who will hopefully become dedicated and real cooperative leaders of tomorrow
Description: 200p
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1415
Appears in Collections:Books

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