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Title: Training Aids: A Handbook for Cooperative Trainers
Authors: Prakash, Daman
Keywords: Cooperative Education- Sri Lanka,
Training Aids,
Communication Media,
Cooperative Teachers,
Cooperative Training
Issue Date: 1982
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, Geneva
Series/Report no.: 2nd Edition;
Abstract: In any teaching-learning situation the role of audio-visual aids cannot be over-emphasized. This assumes greater importance when we talk about the cooperative education and training activities. In the education of members of cooperative societies an instructor faces various situations. A majority of members of primary societies in some of the South-East Asian countries are, unfortunately, illiterate, yet they form a legal socio-economic organisation called the Cooperative Society. By virtue of their being the members of this organisation they have to perform certain duties and take care of certain legal formalities. Unless they are aware of the importance of their rights and duties, cooperative organisations cannot be true democracies. This makes the task of the cooperative educational instructor/field educator still more difficult and delicate.
Description: 132p
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1300
Appears in Collections:Other Training Courses

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