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Title: Cooperatives: Present but not Visible- Evidence from Voluntary National Reviews
Keywords: Cooperative Visibility,
Sustainable Development,
Voluntary National Reviews,
Cooperative Role- National Development
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Abstract: The paper is to explore the visibility of cooperatives in VNRs. This is important for cooperatives as it presents a political opportunity for cooperatives to get involved in and be recognised in the highest form of reporting on SDGs. While cooperatives enjoy a long and rich presence in the development landscape of countries, our analysis shows that their visibility, especially in VNRs and national development plans remains minimal. This stems from limited acknowledgement of cooperatives and their role in implementing SDGs which can be attributed to the limited awareness about their contribution to SDGs and national development in general.
Description: 96p.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1268
Appears in Collections:Reports

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