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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1992Background Papers for the Regional Consultation on Cooperatives- Government Collaborative Strategies in the Asia Pacific Region- Malaysia-
1962Background Paper Presented of the Regional Coop. Farming Workshop-
1979Background Paper From Malaysia on Increasing Production of Rubber Through Cooperatives and Rationalisation of Distribution Process with Special Reference to Rubber Smallholders in MalaysiaZakaria, Noriah Bte
1970Paper Presented by ICA: FAO/ UNESCO/ ILO World Conference on Agricultural Education and Training- Copenhagen 1970-
1996Background Papers of Regional Consultation on "Cooperatives in a Changing Socio-Economic Environment" in the Asia-Pacific Region.Myanmar,1996-
198123rd Meeting of the ICA Regional Council for South East Asia- Background Paper, Korea 1981-
1991Short Essays on Member Development in Consumer CooperativesMachima, Pradit
1972World Conference on the Role of Agricultural Cooperatives In Economic and Social Development. Rome, 1972-Regional Background Paper For South -East AsiaMadane, M.V.
1983Working Document on Action Research and Rural Development for Weaker Sections and Below Poverty Linen Families Through Cooperative ActionOjha, G.
1989Fishing Industry and Fishery Cooperatives in Selected Asian Countries: A Regional Review PaperPrakash, Daman
1982Technical Meeting on ''Cooperatives & Small Farmer Development'' - Background Paper-Sri Lanka DocumentOjha, G. (Prep.)
1990Co-operative Values and Relations between Co-operatives and the State-Working Papers of a Seminar,New Delhi,1989-
1991Cooperatives in the Year 2000 - A paper prepared for the 27th Congress of the Litemational Co-operative Alliance, Moscow, October 1980Laidlaw, A.F
1969Conference on Cooperative Trade in Animal Feeding Stuffs, Paris 1969-
1984Background Paper on Increasing Production and Productivity of Rubber through Cooperatives and Rational of Distribution Process with Special Reference to Rubber Smallholders in MalaysiaZakaria, Noriah Bte
1984Small-Scale Fisheries Cooperatives: Some Lessons for the FutureMeynell, P.J
1960Cooperative in a Changing world: A Survey of Objectives and Methods with Special Reference to the Western Cooperative MovementBonow., Mauritz
1971''Speeches on Cooperation'' SERIESVarious Authors
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 18 of 18