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dc.contributor.authorMeghji, Zakia-
dc.description.abstractA ll true socialist believe that women can only be fully liberated once they get a chance of working outside the home. It is a historical fact that women have been •'domestic workers", whose contribution towards economic development of society is sometimes questionable, Some argue that since domestic work does not produce commodities then economically they cannot be said to be playing a fundamental role in society.I do not agree v/ith the argument that domestic work cannot be said to be contributing towards development. Who cooks the food for the husband (workers) ~ who takes care of the children, the home and so many other things. It is true that she does not directly sell her labour power for money but this does not mean she does not contribute towards economic development. Let me not dwell on this subject, since this is not the main topic for our paper.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Cooperative Alliance, Tanzaniaen_US
dc.subjectCooperative Movement- Tanzania,en_US
dc.subjectWomen Participation,en_US
dc.subjectCooperative Training,en_US
dc.subjectCooperative Activitiesen_US
dc.titleWomen and Economic Activitiesen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Reports

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