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Title: A Learners' Manual for Internal Auditing in Primary Cooperatives
Authors: Choubey, B. N.
Keywords: Primary Cooperatives,
Cooperatives- Book Keeping,
Primary Cooperatives- Accounting System,
Double Entry System,
Cooperative Bank,
Accountability in Cooperatives
Issue Date: 1992
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance, New Delhi
Series/Report no.: Human Resources Development Series- 3;
Abstract: The number of small primary co-operatives in the .Asia Pacific Region is substantial enough to be considered as the foundation of co-operative movements in many countries.Many of these primary co-operatives elect audit committees from the membership to scrutinize the . transactions. in terms of bye-laws and ·accounting principles. It has been found that many of these committees are unable to perform effectively due to the knowledgeable basic accounting and the way of checking accounts.
Description: 67p
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1005
Appears in Collections:Reports

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