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Title: How to Perform in Front of an Audience: An Illustrated Manual For Co-operative Education Facilitators
Keywords: Cooperative Education,
Climate Setting,
Cooperative Field Workers,
Audience Communication,
Audience Communication,
Cooperative Development
Issue Date: 1986
Publisher: International Cooperative Alliance,Geneva
Series/Report no.: 2nd impression;
Abstract: As com pared to other means o f communication such as audio-visual aids and the mass media, faceto-face communication is the m ost effective. The physical presence o f the facilitator, his personality and humanity; his direct contact with the audience; his body movement and variation of voice, and his ability to facilitate interaction within the group, lend to the communication process something infinitely more real and captivating than could any mechanical device or written symbol offer. At any rate, devices and symbols in whatever form they take; are of little use in themselves if not handled by a competent facilitator.Co-operative field workers are, essentially, facilitators whose vocation entails constant performance before audiences: at members' meetings; during seminars and other gatherings where they are called upon to talk to people, demonstrate, instruct; inform or guide them. This requires proper training, for performing before an audience is an art and skill that must be learnt, developed and perfected through constant practice and feed-back.
Description: 33p.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1000
ISBN: 92-9054 009 5
Appears in Collections:Books

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